Slow Query Log analysis (or specific query analysis OR table design analysis OR existing documentation quality analysis per topic) is ordered per two-hour block, paid when ordered, to detect possible causes and or alternatives to speed up query completion. 1 unit of 2 HOURS is the minimum to be ordered for this effort. In 2 hours we can analyze up to 6 SELECT, JOIN or WHERE requests. Please make Skype TALK or telephone contact prior to ordering this service to review your scope of analysis requirements.
You select 400 lines from your Slow Query Log for analysis. Discard head and tail prior to submission. We will likely ask you to supply EXPLAIN SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ......; SHOW WARNINGS; for any specific query to be analyzed.
- SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename(s); to consider during analysis.
- SHOW INDEX FROM tablename(s); to be aware of existing indexes.
- SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE name LIKE "tablename(s)"; for tbl summary info
TEXT results to be "Attached" in email to for your OFF CPU analysis processing.
mysqlservertuning will email suggestions for your consideration.